Irrelevant Hacks

Irrelevant musings of a hack blogger


So, what is there to say. I’m a Security Analyst in Chicago. I’ve presented a few times at security conferences. I usually don’t post as often as I would like to, but I tend to keep things about the Technology world in general.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi,

    Did you ever finish the Computing and Information Systems degree from the UoL?
    If so what did you think of the courses?
    – Were they outdated?
    – Were they easy/hard?
    – How was the interaction with other students/teachers?
    – Are marks based more on exams or projects?

    Also, what did employers think of the degree? Do you think you could go on to do graduate degrees with it or is the “normal” university system biased against these kind of distance degrees?

    Thanks for any opinions,

    • sorry for the tardiness. Over all the courses aren’t too bad. But there are problems.

      First, study materials that they give you, sometimes do not correspond to what the exams or homework is on. Often the teachers move on with updated curricula and ignore the International system.

      Second, homework is often published late, leaving you little time to complete it (at least the first exercise)

      Third, you get ZERO input from the school or teachers. If you have a problem, there is a student forum, but nothing else. You only get your grades for the ENTIRE course at the end of the year (usually in August).
      They will not tell you what areas you were lacking in, but only a pass or fail grade.

      Finally, because of the “black box” nature of the university, it is extremely difficult to complete any of the courses without going to a local university/college to take the same courses in person.

      It’s considered a normal degree everywhere pretty much, but as I said, it’s extremely hard to complete and the International System is a bit of a mess. Their suggestion to take the same classes locally, while helpful, pretty much doubles up any workload.

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